Oysters with Champagne Mignonette Sauce

Oysters with Champagne Mignonette.jpg

Few delights can compete with fresh raw oysters, whether as a stand-alone snack or an appetizer to start a meal. Packed with protein, they are also rich in vitamins A, C, B-12, E, and have zinc, selenium, and iron.


4 serving(s)

Mignonette Sauce 
Makes about 3/4 of a cup (1.8 dl)

  • 1/4 cup (0.5dl) champagne vinegar

  • 2 medium shallots finely chopped

  • 1/4 cup (0.5dl) cuvée rose brut champagne, chilled

  • 2 tsp dulse flake seaweed

  • freshly ground black pepper to taste

  • 12 freshly Beau soleil oysters on the half shell

Arame Salad

  • 1 cup (2.4dl) arame seaweed

  • 2 tsp dulse flaked seaweed

  • 1 Tbsp. toasted sesame oil

  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped

  • 2 tsp minced ginger

  • 2 tsp mirin

  • 2 tsp reduced sodium soy sauce

  • 2 tsp rice vinegar


Mignonette Sauce

  1. Combine all ingredients in a nonreactive bowl. Chill for at least 15 minutes for the flavors to meld.

  2. Shuck Beau soleil oysters retaining the oyster juice and top with the mignonette sauce. Finish with a pinch of dulse flakes.

Arame Salad

  1. Put seaweed in a large bowl and cover with cold water. Soak 10 minutes. Drain in a colander, pat dry, and place in a salad bowl.

  2. Whisk all 7 ingredients together and toss gently into the seaweed.


  1. 4 small plates.

  2. Place three small mounds of seaweed salad and top each with an oyster on the half shell.